MFR is short for Myofascial Release, which is referring to the connective tissue called fascia that covers our muscles, blood vessels, and nerve vessels. The fascia provides a nourishing matrix in a three dimensional web for our muscles and vessels to live, grow and thrive. The fascial tissues are meant to be hydrated, fluid, and adaptable to changes in our bodies. Fascial tissues cover us from head to toe and is located in superficial tissue too deep tissue. Myofascial release therapy helps to restore the glide and hydration of this very important connective tissue.

Why does fascia become stiff?

What is MFR?

The experiences of physical trauma, emotional trauma, scarring, and inflammation causes the fascia to lose its pliability and become tight, dehydrated and stiff. The body is a dynamic structure and a restriction in one area of the body can produce a cascade of side effects that ricochet through the body and tighten down the fascial system in multiple locations. The unique patterns in which fascia thickens and tightens down can lead to pain at the site of the injury as well as symptoms radiating out to other parts of the body.

Tightness and restriction can create a binding down of fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, bone structures and/ or organs. Healthy fascia allows for when you raise your arm above your head, important blood vessels, nerve vessels, tendons, and muscles all glide against each other appropriately for you to raise your arm in a pain free range of motion.